
I never watched the original film, subsequent television show or stage musical, the only exposure I had was its memorable + catchy theme song which is given the pop remix treatment in this updated retelling.

80s Fame

As last night i manage to watch the remake of this famous flick and I had a lot of fun watching Fame. It is a grown-up version of High School Musical with a little less gloss and plastic. Fame is a little more mature – and it's funkier.

Fame is based in a New York Performing Arts school where kids audition to get in and then spend their formative high school years immersed in theatre, song and dance while at the same time maintaining a good grade point average in their academic work.

2010 Fame (released in the US in 2009)

The movie starts out with the characters happy and positive but along the way they are faced with real life issues that are faced by all performing arts students whether the decision is to drop out of school or whether they are just not good enough to be in a performing arts school in the first place.

The reality faced by struggling artists is, however, only lightly depicted as the industry is definitely darker than what we think it to be.

Asher Book plays Marco, the aspiring singer, and he really does have a good romantic voice. Anybody who hears him will fall in love with him. Naturi Naughton plays Denise Dupree, a classical pianist in training who decides that she wants to become a hip-hop singer and has to face up to her parents; she is a really good singer who gives Irene Cara a run for her money with her rendition of Out Here On My Own.

If you are a fan of So You Think You Can Dance then you will know finalist Kherington Payne who plays Alice, the best dancer in the school. She has a youthful exuberance and charisma and is the perfect fit as the aspiring dancer whose dream is to get admitted into a dance troupe.

But when it focuses on showing these youngsters displaying their talent, on the beauty of the performing arts and the struggles faced by practitioners of these arts, then Fame really excels.

Go watch it at your nearest cinemas!

Deen's rating 4.75/5

-nice plot + storytelling
-smooth chronology
-easy to understand
-vast line of hip music!


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