Ramadhan 1434H

Alhamdulillah, the month that we have waiting for has come.  This is the month for us to reflect on what we have did so that we can revisit that so that we can be a better muslim.
Insha Allah, this Ramadhan I want to improve myself on reading the Quran and try to understand the gist of it as the Quran is our source for quidance
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah." (Surah al Baqarah:2)
A little bit of tips to whom who want to start reading the Quran and continuously nurture it to become our lifestyle, insha Allah:
  1. Start a daily routing of reading a little bit of Quran with translation, make what work best for you either a half a page, several verses, or a page a day. As long it become our daily dose of the Quran. 
  2. Make sure that we have at least one Quran with the translation depends on your preferred language.
  3. In the age of smartphones, use the technology to our spiritual advantage.  Maybe, you can download any respective Quran app and whenever we have the time, we can simply open the app and read it. 
  4. Start studying the common Surah that we read in Solah so that we can really get deep into it while we're in Solah, insha Allah. 
  5. Listening to Quran lessons whether it be offline or online, it doesn't matter.  Make an effort to know and understand the Quran more and more. 
This also will be a reminder to me, as there is much more that we can learn from the Quran.  The thing about Quran is that, it is like an ocean that has no bottom.  Once you dive into this ocean, you'll just go deeper and deeper.
Salam Ramadhan


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