1st time ever~~
i will mark the date of 17th January, where that day mark my own history as i manage to buy original games...not only original!!! It is C&C: Red Alert 3 (Premier Edition)!!!! ,the most anticipated games for end of 2008 and also my all time favorite games.
i bought this bundle pack at The Software Boutique (www.tsb.com.my) , SS 2. Hmmm..whats in this bundle? DICOTA BacPac C&C:RA3 edition, Microsoft Sidewinder X6 gaming keyboard, and premier edition C&C:RA3 in uniques tin case...the price hmm...i think its a bargain compare to the market price of the item that being bundle into.
whatsoever...this games rocks..even though not to the max as the concept is slighly changes..but i still enjoy playing it..
COMRAT!! battle control terminated >>deenz<<