Journey: Abu Dhabi

Hey folks,

My trip to Abu Dhabi was on April 2011 as stated in this Land of the Desert post. The reason of the delay is I has gotten tight up with my job and also I forget where did I placed all the picture of my work visit there.

I don't have the idea what to write as the trip were a work trip rather than vacation so, just wanted to share the picture that taken there since I already found out where I put those pictures.

Our dinner


Madinat Zayed

Our accomodation

Madinat Zayed Hospital

The entrance to Tilal Liwa hotel

Tilal Liwa hotel

Our site office there


The so soft

One for the pircture

my colleague

Our ride

Land Cruiser Prado

Man at work

Turkish joint

the office cat

the feast

in front of a restaurant that served one of the best Mandy in Madinat Zayed

Labour camp

feast with the bosses

one for the album

doing our job

Camel Rose - Rendang unta

forgot the name of this but it is tasty!

he thought so too

feast on the last day

group photo with the staff

The picture above was taken before our flight back to Kuala Lumpur, the late night at Abu Dhabi city...sadly we don't have enough time to venture around as the whole week there was only intended for work.


Kilau Saladin said…
DS said…
ingin kembali ke sana, memang menarik keadaan di middle east brader Kilau Saladin

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