Long Hiatus


It has been a while (read: long time already) i've been in hiatus which I don't frequently update this blog. Don't have the idea what to write, used to think that I should write about my working life as currently it has been on amazing phase but when think about it futher, naah...it will be bored and there's no people coming here pun.

What make me want to write back?

Well for some reason, a friend just randomly asked me about my previous food blog which also has been idle for quite a long time and also she asked about my personal blog. Well, as usual the no idea reasons become my best answer to her and added the flavor of `no time' quote.

No idea? really?

It's not that I don't have the idea to write but the enthusiastic to write and elaborate the elements that occurred in my mind that make it hard for me to start typing, its not the same as writing report as that is my task to do it and it has been the drive for me to gain further information in order to complete the report on time. Oh yeah, FYI I'm targeting to issue my draft report by the end of the month and I hope this will be my greatest report for my first.

Report, what report?

Well, as most of you know that i'm in control & risk management working line short for Internal Audit. As such, our only product that we can sell to the client is well the Internal Audit report. Currently, I'm doing audit on sales & marketing at Johor and we have been here for nearly 3 weeks including the days that we has to come back to the office for discussion with my boss, that was fun!.

Now, I'm back again at Johor to re-clarify our findings and I'm hoping that I can issue the draft report in timely manner. Oh last weekend (Saturday night to be exact) me and couple of friends got the chance to saw The Secret Life of Nora by Enfiniti Productions at Istana Budaya, well the show was OK but the people who join me for the show were awesome.

Oh ya, before that on Saturday morning me and my team went to Cyberjaya Paintball park to train as like the blog it has been long hiatus since our last training as we target to enter the paintball tournament starting next year (read:small tournaments). I have bruise here and there and there are a lot that we need to improve and it is good that on that day we manage to get guidance from the pros and we still need to get the numbers for the team which we still has not come out with the confirmed numbers, yet. Wish us the best for it!

Don't date arent' you?

Don't have anybody to date

Next session of paint balling?

Well, one of my team mate has invited me to join other team in their paint ball session this Saturday, InsyaAllah I try to come as I hope I still have the energy since I will be driving back from Johor on the night before.

That's all for now, see yah X)


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