Why not to love again?

If you admire the rainbow after the rain, then why not love again after the pain? (Shafaza Zara, 2011)
Found this statement from fellow blogger that I must said that I always envy the way she writes

It amazed me that a high school teacher can write and come out with such a beautiful quote. I somewhat agreed to the quote whereby even though you have met some difficulties in your love life in the past and at the moment there are new love that coming in but unfortunately because of the unforgivable history you don't give the chance the new comers to come in and nurture the care and love to you.

The meaning is very straight forward and it rhyme well with the sentences, most people like rainbow and rainbow only occurs after the rain has stops which some of us willing to wait for the rain to stop just to see the magnificent phenomenon created by Allah SWT and it happens again and again after rain.

even though you have been stroke off by pain over and over again, Istiqamah in yourself, give yourself a chance to move on and not dwelling in the past and accept new love...who knows, InsyaAllah that might be your true love

p/s: Always endure great quotes   


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