Salam Aidil Adha

Salam Aidil Adha to all my muslim friend around the globe. Guess what, this year is my first time I'm celebrating this holy festival away from my family and relatives. For the eid, I usually will celebrate it with them at my dad's hometown in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan alas for the last 23 years I've been there celebrating the eid and for the 1st time in my 24 years of life I celebrate this raya at Johore as it fall during my audit fieldwork in Nusajaya, it is quite sad but I think this is the sacrifice that I've to condone for my job.

Today, just the same thing I've done for the past 23 years I woke up early and ready to perform the solat sunat Aidil Adha, after ate my breakfast at the hotel I asked the boy that pour my coffee for the direction of the nearest mosque and he told me that the nearest will be either at Tebrau or Larkin. Owh, goody I think I will opt for Masjid Larkin as I knew the place that situated near Larking Sentral. I drove there with my baju melayu and yes I made it in time before they started the solah.

After the solah and Aidil Adha sermont, I head down to nearest Petronas to withdraw my money hahaha I run out of money okay, huh. After that, I just go to the Burger King that adjacent to the Petronas and what do you know I had these for my second brekki, hahaha...I'm that hungry okay as I just had light breakfast earlier....

Burger Kind have this new offering, Angus Steakhouse Burger....FFFFUUU, it is so sinful and I ate that with a nice cuppa of Joes, that just made my day in this holy day. 

And now, I seat in front of my laptop and writing this blog while having Cadbury Bournville Simply Dark, another sinful thing for this raya.

Anyhow, have a blessfull Aidil Adha! XD


Belly-Button said…
it seems like a nice raya celebration still.. :)
happy raya to u.. ;)
DS said…
You think! hahaha
Anyhow, the burger was awesome
Have a nice Hari Raya too!

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