Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir & Batin Syawal 1431H

Salam all blog walkers,

Hey, it's been a while and that day will come in a few days, what day it is of course, we're going to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri a.k.a Eid Mubaraq =)

InsyaAllah we will be celebrating the Holy month of Syawal on 10 September which is this Friday, yeay!. Personally, it is so sad to leave the Holy month of Ramadhan, the month that InsyaAllah will bring you all the prosperity and redha from Allah SWT as these were the month that we as muslims have the chance to improve our ibadah instead of fasting. We will be missing you =(.

Yes, it will be quite long holiday with celebration and good foods! Just now I received a call from my uncle urge me to come back early to kampung in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan tomorrow morning, ni tak lain tak bukan nak mintak tolong bakar lemang. Well, I think it should be fun, it's been a while since I do that XP

Soon I'm going to upload some photos, so lets the photos describing the fun!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to all the Muslims around the world especially to the blog walkers, I'm asking for the forgiveness from you in the Holy month for what I've done especially the wrong doings previously, from deepest of my heart, I'm SORRY

Have a blast Hari Raya celebration 

p/s: For my cousins, nephews and nieces...wait for your duit raya ait, this year might be less ahahahha...kidding


rabiatulpaid said…
oh yeah duit rayeeeee

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