
Salam blog walker,

It's has been a while since I've post a new entry since Raya, how are you guys? feeling great? I hope you guys have a great time on what ever you are doing.

Last weeks, I had the chance to sent my cousins who will be further their studies oversea which Syahida is pursuing her studies in United Kingdom and Najihah in Jordan whilst couples of days before Raya my other cousin, Syahirah went to Ohio, United State of A. I'm very proud of them as a cousin and as a family because at least one member of each family has their representative that were studying overseas including my little brother who continuing his studies at Minnesota, USA, Syakirin, Washington, Syafiqah, Australia, Helmi, Aceh, Kamilah, Jordan, Nadirah, New Zealand and Kak Maryam, Egypt.

What can I said is was, I'm very proud of them as a family members of these family and hope that you will bring whatever knowledge that you had learn to our beloved country.

Me, proud to be UiTM product and insyaAllah I'm considering to pursue my Master abroad too 


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