Maha Cendol at Bangi

After half day of paintballing and quite a heavy lunch on the beautiful weekend.  We just drove around Bangi to find something sweet which preferably cendol! as being the favourite one of my friends.  The we stumble upon a small stall beside the roadside heading to Kompleks PKNS Bandar Baru Bangi.

Behold..Maha Cendol as their tag line state that `Keep Calm & Eat Cendol'.  One of the selling point of their cendol which is the usage of Coconut Palm Milk (Santan Kelapa Sawit) instead of the usual Coconut Milk.

The environment of the stall which also serve local malay kuih, laksa and mee kari

Yummy Maha Cendol with...

 Mango bits...ultimate!

and Red coloured sagoo...yumms

I would say this would be one of the nice cendol in Bangi area and they also can be reach via their twitter @MahaCendol



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