Another adventure

Hello semua

I think this time around I want to blog in my mother-tongue language since sekarang ni it people just doesn't care what time of language that you are communicate I choose man-glish!

Well, I guess it has been a while since I last post anything in my own blog, yes I do agree that originally this blog was intended to record the adventure (as you can see from the header) that I am or I will go through out the day or the week or whatsoever.


Tidaknye menjadi kesampaian, it always come to writer's block everyday now and then...sampai lah penyakit malas tu dating.

Padahal as per my observation and blog walking ni, aku tengok banyak je blogger-blogger otai yang boleh post on average 1-2 post on daily basis..aku memang envy dengan mereka ni.  Walaupun mereka ni not a full-time blogger which mean they have their own life and career to preach outside this blogging life..still they manage to spend their time (individually or bringing their families to the event organised by all sort of organization.

Kudos to you guys!


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