
Hey guys,

Sorry for the long hiatus, I've been hooked by my work and also never ending invitation from friends to join this and that which it was a fun thing to do since I've no commitment to adhere to. Anyhow, I have gotten into my reading mode back and yes, not just blog reading as I manage to buy some books for this 1st quarter (I've planned to but couple of books for every quarter of this year).

Some of the books that I've already bough were Doctor In The House - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Get Rich and Be Happy - Robert T.Kiyosaki (one of my favourite author) and also The Greatness Guide: Book 2 - Robin Sharma. As at this time, I have read the first 2 books in the list whereby I found out these are some of the great materials to read and the reason I only started with this two books is that the 1st book is very thick which I only got the time to read and will try to read one chapter or more each night as it is quite thick for a mere 100bucks book (that is considered cheap and worth buying) and the other is the Kiyosaki's book which at this time I manage to read near to half of the book in one day as it so interesting on how to make the money work for you and to realized that to have a stable income does not promise you a better life.

Further, I also has found out that Esquire has landed it feet into Malaysia market, and yes I already gotten a copy of it the Premier Issue and was thinking to subscribe with my Men's Health subscription which up till now I never manage to continue to renew my subscription which I am planning to do it soon.

Happy reading guys!

p/s: This just a short post as I'm writing it at the office while I have tonnes of work to do (chuckled)


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