Sweet Blood

I just love cool and chic design! Most of the things especially packaging can be redesign to get away from the bored-looking all over again. I have been a blood donor for quite some times and all I can see is the old-semi-curve rectangular shaped pouch that indicate with blood information and again look bored and scary.

I have stumble across this cute looking called `The Sweet Donation Bag' which is an attempt to redesign the blood collection pouch. It features a sleeve with a large cut-outs indicating the blood type (A, B, AB & O), how about the `negative' sign for me? as Imma B- person.

The overall design is much more refined that the current-old-looking bag as it looks sturdier. Nonetheless, the looks is slick and tidier to be seen and I guess it won't reduce the needle pain. Lol

Source: Packaging Of The World


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