perang bantal~~wee

even though this story had happened last 2 weeks..but i think it is better for me to story out my new adventure which i endure it as first time in my life...chill on..

On 4.4.2009 dimana tarikh yang aku takkan lupe wat sementara waktu ni iaitu penyertaan aku dan rakan2 - Pet, Paan + Ajib dalam Corntoz Pillow Fight in conjuction with World Pillow Fight Day (hari camnie pun ade..ahh janji aku have fun). Jointly organized by Random Alphabets (RA) + keropok kentang Corntoz (xkan dpt free kropok pun..sticker team je..hehehe..boley la)

To shorten up the story aku straigh to the point yang event ni ialah team-based event which we were devided into two-group color coded by blue (my team) and white which controlled by the Pillow Fight Police (designated in Pink Sticker). At first we had to gathered at The Curve as per info given in the FB, then we were separated into two groups each followed different direction to the battle area which was at Cineleisure (ground floor), pak-guard + management The Curve tak bagi wat kat situ sbb emm..high class nyer tempat kowt..tah.

me with my mom's cushion pillow ready to eat the head of the white team...

after da gather due2 team..mule la huru-hara, taunting antara satu sama team yang lain..darn hillarious style 300 ade, cheer skolah ade macam-macam ada la. Then Zain HD (founder of RA), wearing his weird looking hat + weird looking spear in hand voice out the rules. The the fight begins with 2 session as per example below (amik scene aku suda..bagi gambaran), you can see the pillow stuffed has bursed out and scattered around (wut do ya aspect..hahaha)

Zain HD the ketua polis

Pet + Paan team-up to whacked me (darn..traitor)

there were all kind of people joining this event, i had noticed Brazilian couple, org putih, old-timer, teenagers, and even toddler joining the fun...all for one reason have fun for unity (ye kot..) tapi semua belasah sepuas2 nye...i dont care who i long as i got to whacked someone..LOL until my pillow has incurred a serious collateral damages before aku sempat menghabiskan upacara (surrender early..sadness!)

hancus pillow mak aku...

a picca with the organizer himself -- ketua polis pillow fight

at the end of the fight, all of us gathered for a group photos (yes why i put `s' because there were a lot of photographer taking our photos..official + unofficial rase cam celebrity lak). We also get to mingle with new friends (widen up our circle of friends) thats what i mean by unity where we all gather to meet new people with the same message in mind (cool!). We get to kenal2 dgn group of girl which kind of sporting and bubbly named as below. They are cute too!...note:puji ikhlas ;P.

making new friends shaziera + gurl tatau name and Anfaal (sporting dorang nie)

Pas habis group photo sume, we all get together and co-operate cleaning up all the mess that we have done la pas dah sepah2 kemas la balik kan..nanti management bising lak. So, from here also i cam here most of the people were having fun by the face expression that they showed literraly laughing + take picca with the feather + mingling with new friends. Then me + Paan + Pet and AJib treat ourselve at IKEA cafe having late lunch to replenish our energy.

after tired of pillow fighting...reward our hunger with Sweedish Meatballs and Daim's choc cake courtesy of IKEA cafe

group photo after the fight (grabbed from Zulhelmi Misran- thanks dude!)

Thanks to RA, Corntorz, Management of Cineleisure (for allowing this event to be realize), Management of The Curve (kuz tak kecow2 sgt), RA volunteers, photo + video graphers, friends and new friends...hope we can have much more and massive fight in the next year event insyaAllah...fiuh its quite an adventure..chill out >>deenz<<


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