it was worth the wait!!

well the PGL show was really amazing! fantastic! artistic! annndd...mind blasting!....

at first i think that i never can make it cuz of the pain-in-the-ass traffic jam! tapi aku sabar gak meredah lautan kenderaan yang pelbagai model dan pengeluar..(pe ngarut nih..=P)...ak bergerak dr rumah dalam 7 p.m, while driving 1 new text message appear..

farihan:i dah sampi Asia Jaya (station tat i suppose to pick her up) on my way i tgh stuck in traffic jam (gosh..she is here!!!!~~a lil freak out) huhuh
farihan: ok

when i arrive there its almost 7.30pm, and satu lagi dugaan menimpa..another jam @ PJ Sec 13 (Ya..Allah gimme the strenght)..aku sabar je la menempuh jam tu n optimist that the jam will over @ Seremban/Cheras junction...yes! percaturan aku betul. After that juction jalan boleh dikatakan clear...dan aku teruskan perjalanan ke Istana Budaya di Jalan Tun Razak..then another traffic jam but not as bad as at the federal highway..fiuh...

we manage to arrive at IB at 8.10pm, after aku park dkt kawasan yg boleh dikatankan illegal, aku terus blah dan menuju ke lobby Istana Budaya, masuk2..i can see there are a lot of! this theatre mmg betul2 hype!..(i hope it will be a real good performance). I go straight to surau to perform my maghrib..and at 8.25, pintu dibuka..and aku sempat meninjau tiket2 dorang yang rata2 ialah corporate pass (which means they get it from their company which co-sponsor this show (why UEM yg jadi co-sponsor tak bagi tix free..hrmmm..) well most of them i think either public bank or rhb bank staff. Well there are a lot of people from the youngster to the oldies, from the students to the high corporate people..all of them gather to watch a really acclaimed a extravagant showmanship.

footage di lobby [above] nice decore of flowers + candle [below] suasana di lobby

after get into the hall, i straighly searched for our seat and yes there are our seat..well it is a very nice view from out seat! It is worth the price that we pay. The show started with act 1 with berlatarbelakangkan kerajaan Majapahit..and the show goes on..with fine choreographer, beautiful props, nice script, good songs....

As the show over, the standing ovation has taken place by all the cast including the props mover was backs by the nice music and as usual all the main cast will be standing in-front like Datin Tiara itself, Stephen Rahman, AC Mizal, Adlin, Yalal Chin, Ida Mariana..they were given the loudest applause from the entire audience. In my thought this was the best show that i have seen so far after `Kasanova’ that was held at MATC lead by , well this is an epic love story..and my money and my 3 hours time been spend wisely on that night. Both me and farihan feel glad that we have fulfilled our dream that night to watch the show after missing out the last 2 seasons because of constraint of time and money too~~.

After the show, i heard that there will be an autograph session; it is a moment that i can’t miss it for the world. So, i just bring my programme book and queued with other people, as we were waiting patiently here there are the main cast of the PGL where I can see a lot of people lift up their compact, DSLR, Video, hand-phone camera to get a snap of the actor and actresses. I saw Stephen Rahman, Datin Tiara, Ida Marina and adik Hazique who played Raja Ahmad..but sadly there weren’t sign of Yalal Chin, AC Mizal, Adlin and the most important people which is Datuk Zahim al-Bakri. I managed to get their autograph in gold marker wooo...shineyyyy~~~Lol

Then we just mingling around the hall and see all related article pertaining to the show, where i realized that Datin Tiara has use different approach in this theatre where she has use magic to make the show much more interesting. Well it works!..with all the special effect such as the pyro effect, the explosion, and also how they make Gusti Puteri missing under Bayan’s robe when Adipati army was searching for her.

It was one memorable night and I really hope that i can see much more performance as good as PGL, well to you out there if you have planned to watch theatre...just count me in!, i will find the time to join you.

This is one nice adventure and artistic too....loving art make me feel great! >>deenz<<


Anonymous said…
oww..u freaked out eyh i da sampai dulu dat day...hehehe.. =p

btw u elaborated this gud (cam wartawan!haha)... i mmg speechless tak reti nk elaborate, so i decide on more to simpan it for our own sweetest experience ever ;)

it worths everything...

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