when love and dream become one~~

PGL + Genting One Day

Yippieee~~~at last i got the chance to watch Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical setelah 2 kali aku terlepas...alhamdulillah, i got to watch it with a little kegilaan yg tak berape pernah aku buat sebelum ni..but the most important thing~~i hope that i would enjoy the spectacular show as it will be the last show cast by Datin Tiara..sob..sob..i think PGL will not alive if Datin Tiara not there as she is the mastermind if this epic project from the movies until the theatre that has gone till 3rd season..(that is darn long people!!)..so see you guys at Istana Budaya on 13th February 8.30 pm p/s: i hope i will know the way to get there...without getting lost!! LOL

as for genting..i with a group of friends has plan this trip for a long time since we finish out studies, the plan is distributed thru emails and sadly speaks from 12 peoples agrees to go it come down to juz 7 people and now it come to 6 people and i need to find another person to fill-in the 7th tix..so to you ot there who wish to have a one-wholeday-hell-of-fun, contact me!!!...

see ya~~~>>deenz<<


Anonymous said…
aku pasan sumthing..
student price?????
ko gune kad metrik dulu ke?
Anonymous said…
pick date infront of d counter.
crazy double into two =p
DS said…
hehe..i yeap..

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