2008 and me!!

actually there a lot of things happening around me and sometimes i'm involved in it, and to give clearer view let me point it out as per below (jeng..jeng...):-

  1. practical cum final year - yes juz like other Uni students industrial training or practical usually will continue with another semester where we have to get back into the class again but not for my course in UiTM, practical mean that we are in final year!!! how fast time flys leaving us..sedih2. i was giving the opportunity to do my training at Perodua in corporate planning department, even though the task that were given to me more towards clerical task but at least i'm enjoying it because i got a great bunch of work colleagues!!!. Our final year do not complete without doing the degree desertation or bahasa biasanya tesis..In other words we must devide our time into writting + do a reasearh and also working, but for me i need to devide with 3 different task with added of ROTU!. Yeah it quite challenging but also i also had me to learn to manage both my pressure and time well instead of kelang-kabut-tak-tentu-pasal. So alhamdulillah i mange to complete my final year and also finished my studies.
  2. istiadat pentauliahan Di-Raja ke 27 - this event is one of the memories that i couldn't forget for all of my life because with a lot of sacrifices of blood (skit2 ah), sweats, time, and fun time. bengang sane-bengang sini, akhirnye di bumi UKM, i has be commisioned as a 2nd liutenant in rejimen askar wataniah with almost 1 month of training. i' will surely missed the time that i and my squad spend together either in training or outside training, we like family!. damn i missed them so much!! So, insyaAllah for the year 2009, i will report to duty in one of the wataniah kem in Selangor to be a part-time army officer. SENTIASA MEMIMPIN
  3. 5 interviews! - during midts of unemployment i had been to 5 job interviews pheww penat beb!. start with outsource mktg company, intern prog for one of the prominent glc in Malaysia, pizza delivery company, gloves factory, and ex-employee but different department. i can see and observe different style of interview session and it was fun actually which need me to improved for every interview i go. actually it paid off at my 6th interview hehehe....why 6th wait...
  4. working @ Top Glove - yes my 4th interview at this glove factory paid off when i has been accepted to be marketing officer @ sales force at the world largest natural rubber gloves manufacturer. well my first day not so fun for me because, most of my colleagues are chinese and the rest were malay and indian so i need to compete and work like them no more lazy malay..hahah...and i thing i like to work with them because they are so generous and kind in term of teach and correcting me whenever i ask them..kunci nyer di sini is always ask because ilmu takkan dtg bergolek u must have the will to search for it! in the end i love working here as i'm in such a great marketing team that always proactive getting sales for TG and we will always having lunch or dinner together with Jeff (cool GM guy!), Joanna (my boss), Sem (my mentor), Simon, Alex, Vincent, JY, Sheena and Yvonne, also playing basketball when i'm the only malay among the chinese but it was fun dow to play with them power tak hengat!!!. I also have the chances to make friend with 5 uitm ladies also fresh graduates and will graduate at the same time as me, among those 5 also my classmates moe-moe, but i will miss you guys, the time we get to laugh out loud when all the chinese colleague will look at us with strange faces hahaha, doing inspection together where we get to tease all the banglas and nepalese hahaha, ngumpat2 giler ah aku.damn will miss those time ek suzy, mai, fiqah and moe-moe..why..wait!
  5. 69th UiTm graduation day..yeayy - well im graduated...
  6. TG resignation - huhuhu...it so sad for me to leave this company but what i know is that i have made a wise desicion in my career life...
the list goes on till the 31th...and 2009 open up a new blank sheet for me to excel in life..the words goes on...>>deenz<<


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