convocation it is~~~69th UiTM Convocation

piccas with the VC awards from my class (from left ufar, ena, deenz, hajar, yan)

yes the 3rd session of 69th UiTM convocation is over at 11.45 a.m this morning as about 500 graduates were awarded with their degree or diploma. I was amazed as finally my 3 years of work hard has paid off~~~.

im also feel gratefull to see my parents accompany me and get the chance to see my live at Dewan Sri Budiman (DSB), UiTM receiving my degree~~huh..i feel joyfull beneath myself. Me and the gang were taking piccas even though there are humongous number of human but we just celebrating our success!! YEAY!!

Congratulations to all my friends that has been graduated and will be graduated soon~~I' am planning to further my studies in two years time as right now working experience is all for me.

See ya~~ >>deenz<<


Anonymous said…
wehh..atas pale ena cam ade crown..ekekeke..munge sape la tuhh..

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