memoirs of melaka - episode 1 - the plan+the journey

wahah!!! melaka, state that have giving me 1001 memories since i step my foot in the land of Hang Tuah in 2004 where i began my pre-u level education and at the end of 2008 it is my last time at melaka where i have finished my studies and will go back to my hometown PJ. miss melaka very much~~~

ngeee~~the plan to go back to melaka is drafted when we hear that every graduates student who wanted to pass the convocation level shoul do the clearance which mean clear all of the matters that still bound by the name of students such as summons, tuition fees, library penalty and others. So, in the end of August me with a bunch of friends that is so called classmates were decided to gather at Melaka on September 14. When we had decided the date, every one of us applying for a leave at our respective company..lucky me and molek that we get our cuti even though we were just starting our job at our office. So, we are waiting for the proposed date with patient.

while waiting the time comes, some of us to be name fstep gang especially got the idea for us to have our buka puasa at Umbai the place where we all 30 classmates start to get to know each other well. So the task to book the place was given to ali, where he claim that the place that he will booked for us will not put a hole in our pocket but also with a killing price we also will have a very good meal like baked crab, sweet sour sea bass and others.

i has do some thinking and made a decision not to drive to melaka, hence i want to carpool with i sent him several emails regarding my though to tumpang him to melaka, and as expected he agree and i give him a choice whether he can pick me up at my house or at my kampung. so he agreed to pick me up.

D-Day, i'm waiting for ali to pick me up at my house and guess what ijan says to me when they told me that they are waiting for me outside...they said that they are waiting outside of my kampung at Rembau (i feel like crying that time but im cool with it heheh). so i just send some text wondering if anyone in the group does not depart yet from selangor yup checkmate! faz call me with the laughing into (dang!), she say that she and myra will go to melaka a lil bit late so if i want to tumpang them (i bet that ijan or syida must send the S.O.S to faz hehehe) cuz im only send the text to azie and regardless speaking that she say that she is not going..still cool with it. then, i just pick my bags and drive my butt off to Subang komuter station to take the ride to serdang where faz will fetch me up. after paying RM4 for the 2 days parking, im off to the ticket machine and buy the RM3.30 ticket to serdang. i take the train and straight to serdang, did i mention they are dang crowded in the traing..oh my god! (da lame tak naik komuter camnie la).

after arrival, i just search for faz Kembara and say hi to her then go to pick-up myra...and im curious about the box at the back seat where faz told me it is a suprise for someone (hahah..will reveal in the next episode). then we go straight to melaka for about 2.5 hour journey added with new gossip and kutuk2 hehehe 9aiyoo..just realized its Ramadhan). after arrival, we were contacting others and informed them that we have arrive and they said that its okay, where they will meet us at Dataran Pahlawan after they finished their movie..yupp the early birds get to watch movie (dang! again). So, while waiting for them to finish, three of us just walk around the building and faz mention that she want to buy some souvenirs for her classmate at FSTEP so after looking around, she decided to buy for them kipas tangan that is made from wood and batik cloth, it is a nice pieces of souvenirs though and for me just a kerepek tempe (soy bean cracker) and cencaluk ( a paste that is made from small shrimp). then faz and myra said to me that they want to do some shopping and we end up at Brand Outlets store where we found a original Baby Phat (brand from Kimora Lee Simmons) tees with a hard to believe price and yeah oh well it maybe a rejected factory item.

at around 5.30pm, they early birs said that they have finished their movie and ready to head back for their hotel (for the girls) and while faz was asking me whether i want her to send me to my former house and she said its no problem but then ali called and insisted to pick-me up. so problem solve and why is he insisted hurmmm?. We agrees to meet-up infront of their hotel (Felix Inn) at 6.30pm because afraid that our booking that is made by ali will be canceled, so after all the people has gather we headed to Umbai floating village for our open fast and we cant believe that we arrived for just 30 minutes, owhh..maybe this is because we using the new routes instead of the old routes that we used back then (when we're in 2nd semester...memories!).

so after arriving, i and ali go straight to the parlour and confirmed our booking and the makcik there said that the booking is still on and they have ready with our food..ahh its a relief for me and ali. to be continue....>>deenz<<


Anonymous said…
wehh..conok kowang tuwon melake sesame ehh..cian aku taw..sensorang jew gi wat clearance...haishhh~ ciap encek azman mempomot beli insuran lg..hahahaha~

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