Going wild

Hola! it has been a while, in fact a long while since I left this blog. No specific reason actually..err..i think might as well I list down the reason, here goes outstation no idea looking out for girls (hahah...hey I need a life too what..lol) work saving money to get married..erkh anyhow, there were a lots of thing happening since last time. I would like to share some of that with you and with pictures too! Here goes.... Tauhu Goreng of Warong Saga - To die for!, my latest makan place in Johor Standard Chartered tower of Singapore, huh look like Manhattan to me, nice composition all-time fav, mee rebus tulang ZZ Corner! Monster Energy drink, bought from 7E Singapore...taste great! Kaw-kaw burger from Mayang Oasis, PJ, finally they has opened a branch in PJ..well it taste quite good thou Nasi goreng seafood, another must-try when you ever visit Johor located at Stulang Laut, near The Zon Regency and the same row of 7E Food..food..f...