Cool Idea!: Panasonic Note

As I browsing around my Google Reader I have stumble upon the new update from one of my favorite packaging site that I've subscribed and yes it is a packaging for a stereo earphone by Panasonic, behold.... This cool looking packaging created for the Stereo Earphones Headphones RP-HJE 130 Panasonic. Designed by the German agency Schold & Friends , what a cool name for an agency beside the typical `group' or partner instead of `friends', creative. This packaging was inspired by the shape of a musical note for an effect as effective as simple. I found that this type of packaging really bring out the functionality of the products which is a stereo earphone and specialized for music lover with the tag line `made for music', its really bring the products up. Nonetheless, i think this how they should package the earphone rather that usual plastic-pack in the market now. What do you guys think? Source: Fubiz