
Showing posts from January, 2010

Sexy netbook or should i say grrrrr.....

The Alienware M11x, with over 6.5 hours of battery life and weighing under 4.5 lbs. will start at an amazing $799! that is about RM 2.8k (at most it will be RM 3.5k) if Dell Malaysia manage to bring this little beast into this region (I can't wait!). It is about time to change my old laptop already as it has serve me a glorious 2 years for work and play. red beast At last there is netbook with a masculine look as most of the netbook nowadays look very girlish to me. Still, a little bit curious, is it me or it is a norm that all netbook come without any optical drive i.e. DVD or Blu-ray, in that case it must be accompany with an external optical drive Source: engadget alienware


I never watched the original film, subsequent television show or stage musical, the only exposure I had was its memorable + catchy theme song which is given the pop remix treatment in this updated retelling. 80s Fame As last night i manage to watch the remake of this famous flick and I had a lot of fun watching Fame . It is a grown-up version of High School Musical with a little less gloss and plastic. Fame is a little more mature – and it's funkier. Fame is based in a New York Performing Arts school where kids audition to get in and then spend their formative high school years immersed in theatre, song and dance while at the same time maintaining a good grade point average in their academic work. 2010 Fame (released in the US in 2009) The movie starts out with the characters happy and positive but along the way they are faced with real life issues that are faced by all performing arts students whether the decision is to drop out of school or whether they are just not good e

Kicks #1:Cole Haan Oxford

No i'm not talking about any human being, this just came in yesterday..... This fine-piece from Nike come a sleek oxford crafted in vachetta leather combining a rich material mix of sport-inspired oiled suede detailing and artful topstitching. This shoe also Concealed NIKE AIR Technology in the heel and front footbed for ultimate comfort (it is very comfortable indeed!) So, if you want something different in term of style + out of normality in term of brand hence it is worth buying, so head down to Cole Haan website to get yourself a pair, they also have massive range of shoes from dress-shoes to casual. I know i'm a man but i just keen to collect shoes especially the limited edition pair, AF1, and more. Planning to own different pair of shoes for each quarter and next will be the.... This is an Superstar 2 Star Wars from Adidas Originals , arghhh...I can't wait to get the piece soon! P/s: Thanks to Rayanne for made my dream come true


and this what happen Lulz, just uploading piccas inside my Lappy....ta-dah... aish..looking fat there, need to hit the gym soon after my recovery...sigh

week of pain

For the past 7 days i have been in pain and bear it since then until on the Friday 22nd, i can't bear the pain anymore after 3 time of the same answer from the clinic. On that day, the clinic refer my illness to be treated at KJMC . Actually i already think it just a minor gastric but i didn't know that for a 1st timer the illness will be this bad as i couldn't sleep at ease for the past 5 nights (including extra 2 nights in the hospital). As Ive been admitted for 3 nights now, i had gone several testing like ECG, Ultra-Sound (hahaha..usually this kind of test is only done to pregnant women but i don't know, just following the doctor advices) and today they ask advised me to go for Endoscopic which is the doctor will put a scope inside my mouth where it will go down to my stomach and intestine to see how severe my gastric was. I was given anesthetic prior to the test and only wake up 3 hours later. The doctor said that my gastric is not that serious but it is near to u

craze for comic books

Some of 'em The craze started actually when i was a little boy but at that time they aren't much source to get the U.S comic books and thing that make it worse is the sky-rocket pricing as most of these comic were directly import from the distributor oversea whereby th ey don't appoint a company to distribute it here in Malaysia. Maybe the market it not there at that time. As i grew up, i still enthusiast to U.S comic books as not so long time ago, there were this company from Singapore called Gotham Comics (at first i thought it was a subsidiary of DC comics ahah...but sadly it was not). Collection as to-date To continue my enthusiasm and love towards comic books, after i have a job, this is the time where I earn my cold-hard cash to start my collections as I've started to bought my 1st Direct Issue which is Captain America #600. Upper left to bottom right: Ultimate Avengers, Uncanny X-Men, Captain America: Reborn and Batman: The Widening Gyre As my collection grow big

Planning at the early stage is good

Nothing serious..just want to scribbling a little bit about plans and make planning. There is a quote that says `If you fail to plan then you are plan to FAIL!', well in a matter a fact i kind of agree with the quotation as we need to do planning to avoid any circumstances that might or will happen to us whenever we want to pursue the objective. For example, I've plan to go for a vacation in the mid-June (let say not real), despite that i need to plan my leave, plan the timing, the itinerary to make sure my vacation will not facing any unwanted thing. Yeah that is plan...will continue about this topic later on Lulz


No!...I'm not talking about that PMS, but this is a different type of PMS Lulz...last week i just had my performance reviewed and i found out that my performance quite okay for fresh graduate like me. Professionalism, committed and willing to learn are always be in my mind since i've started work and that is also what have been told to me by my boss (kembang jap), well i'm very proud of my-self alas that i'm a shy person which also i've been commented on that `You must be proactive in your work and try to come out with ideas'..owww wah thats a little thing that i can do but i just don't know where and how to start When talking about my ability, i think i need to improve my soft-skills especially on communicating and also persuation as most of the time my work needed me to face with a lot of people from vast number of background and mostly the higher level of Management. In term of writting skills, what is articulate by the way? Anyone of you who pass-by my b

Hand Dryer Vs Tissue

Which one is better after washing your hand after doing your `business' in the toilet, either using a modern + automatic hand dryer or just using the old-toilet tissue regardless the thick or the dodgy one. I'm rather opt for the tissue as it is much safer as it can wipe you hand off and just throw it in the dustbin (disposable) rather than drying my hand and still uncertain whether the germ is still there or no despite the hot air that blowing to your hand. Agree with me, yes?

4 days after 2010

i hope it is not to late to wish fellow webbies who currently visiting, already visited or just passing through my blog a Happy New Year 2010. Trus that most of you have your own resolution for this new year, as such let hope that we will (including me) have more determination to complete our resolutions + objectives. it has been a while since i left this blog un-attended (last post was written on last October/September - maybe you can refer to my old post for clear picture Lulz). alas i hope in this year 2010, i will have the time and the idea to spread + utilize my blog.