its been a long time again....

hye...wah its been a long time since my visit here...i think to whom who link my blog to theirs the status must be more that 3 weeks now. well, dewasa ini..with work-load that come in and also the actives that kept me to go outside most of the time, i'm hardly have the time to update my only journal of life..chewah~~So, at this time while waiting for the response from my client i kindly steal the time to write a blog just to update it..heheh... my last weekend kind a hectic weekend for me as that weekend had made me to try the dance floor (heheh) as in the day-time i just procrastinating myself at home doing nothing but getting up with all the series that i've downloaded. Yesterday night, i watched Night at The Museum 2 , well the movie was hillarious and hectic as their 1st movies Night at The Museum with much bigger cast and history that can be learn. But, in all i had fun watching the movies and you should too, cant wait to see other summer movies that will be coming to our...